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Our responsibility

Our responsibility

The safety of our nuclear power plants is our highest priority – during operation, post operation and the dismantling process. It is of crucial importance for the protection of our own employees and those of our partner firms, as well as the general public and the environment.

Protection of people and environment

Over and above this protection, we also aim to minimize any impact upon individuals or the environment. In order to achieve this, we match the right people with the right technology and the appropriate organization. An effective management system ensures that the technical, organizational and administrative prerequisites for optimum safety are provided at all times and are constantly being refined. This is regularly confirmed by external audits and inspections.

Safe power operation

For many years now, our plants have had an availability of approx. 90%. This is an unequivocal sign that our nuclear power plants have been constantly on line and is why we have repeatedly occupied top positions in the international electricity production rankings. This is not only a result of the high level of safety and careful maintenance of our plants but also an expression of the competence and motivation of our staff. Our expertise is in demand throughout the world: the solutions we offer help to make nuclear power even safer and more reliable worldwide.

As in previous years, there were no category 1 to 7 events on the seven-level International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) in any of our nuclear power plants. Similarly, there were no environmentally-relevant incidents.

Safe dismantling

The occupational safety requirements are just as strict for dismantling as they are for power operation. All work is carefully planned, monitored by radiation safety experts and checked by the Supervisory Authority or independent assessors working on its behalf.

Safe handling of radioactive waste

Radioactive waste arises during the operation, post operation and dismantling of our nuclear power plants. Until such time as the Federal Government provides the necessary final repository, all radioactive waste that is produced will be kept safely in interim storage. We fulfil this obligation in compliance with the strict requirements of the existing legislation. Our activities are monitored by the competent supervisory authorities.

Our aim is to reduce the volume of radioactive waste to a minimum. At the same time, we aim to increase the proportion of residual materials that can be recovered and reused. One of the ways we achieve this is by sorting out any uncontaminated residual materials and by putting radioactive waste through various treatment steps and processes prior to interim storage or final disposal, in order to reduce its volume.

Occupational health and safety

Our nuclear power plants are certified in compliance with international occupational safety and environmental protection standards. Our management systems are successfully recertified on a regular basis. We carry out process and operational reviews in order to achieve continuous improvement. Furthermore, we consistently implement special HSE improvement plans and develop prevention and training measures.

The experience that we have already gathered in the operation and dismantling of our plants helps us to further optimize our occupational safety procedures and processes. It contributes to the high level of safety in our nuclear power plants. In close collaboration with the employers' liability insurance association for "Energy Textiles Electrical Media Products" (BGETEM) and other energy utilities, we have developed new solutions for ensuring industrial safety during dismantling work and summarized them in the form of a guideline.

We – the employees of PreussenElektra – assume responsibility – here and now!